Copper River Wild Salmon Jam

Salmon Jam

Although I’m sure it would make an excellent marmalade, unfortunately I’m not talking about sockeye spread. 

Copper River Wild Salmon Jam Salmon Jam is part of the Copper River Wild! Salmon Festival held every July in beautiful Cordova, Alaska.  The annual event usually lasts 3-4 days and consists of several fun events all aimed at growing awareness and support to protect our most plentiful and valuable natural resource:  Wild Salmon

This year, Cordova Arts‘ flagship event was especially jam-packed.  It could have been a product of the gorgeous sunny weather we were blessed with that weekend.  But I think the word just got out that Cordova’s awesome, espeically during Salmon Jam!

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Fiber to the World!

Am I telling you to eat more Whole Grains? No, I’m saying that Cordova will finally have a hard-line to the rest of the world.  No more satellite delays, no more slow internet.  Enter streaming video, significantly faster speeds, and exponentially increased bandwidth.  Thanks to Cordova Telephone Cooperative, this remote town will soon have all the modern internet functions as the rest of the world!  Some Cordovans have doubted the actual arrival of this alleged Fiber Cable, but here it is in a press release by the company:  An anchor restriction in Prince William Sound due to the laying of the perverbial umbilical chord.  Continue reading

Best iPhone & Android Apps, a Quick Peek

confused woman holding smartphone

What do you do with this thing?

This article was updated 10/15/2013.

So you got a Smartphone… Now what?

With technology changing so quickly it seems impossible to keep up, one group has somehow been able to maintain their balance at the top of the technology pyramid – App Designers.  Although there are varying opinions on the utility of some apps or “The App” in general, there are several apps that I have personally found very useful and pretty fun, too!

“There’s an app for that”

We’ve all heard it, but I’ve done a little research (and downloaded a few apps) and these are my personal faves.

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